You’ve probably visited many homes with children. Some houses look like a hurricane has hit them, whereas others are perfectly neat. The difference between these homes is the parents. Pro parents understand that kids will be messy, and there’s a time to manage the chaos. Learn the secrets behind a clean household as pro parents […]
How Productive Moms Keep the House Orderly
 When you have a toddler, it is a constant challenge to keep your home safe and tidy. While you could spend your entire day running behind your child and cleaning up each mess as it happens, this is not a fun way to spend your time. Consider these four tips for keeping your home […]
Baby Apps to Help Parents Get Through Those Sleep Deprived Early Months
Having a baby is one of the most rewarding experiences life can give. But, when it comes to getting a decent night’s sleep, that’s much easier said than done. With the constant night-feeds and nightly-attention that needs to be given to your baby, it’s estimated new parents get an average of just 5.1 hours […]
How to Supervise Your Child’s Smartphone Activities
One of the biggest problems with raising a child today is something that your parents probably never dreamed of: the amount of time kids spend and the type of content they may find on their mobile devices. Responsible parents should have some idea about what their children are finding online, but it can be tough […]
4 Ways To Keep Your Kids Away From Harmful Chemicals
Our modern world is filled with toxic materials from a wide range of sources, including commercial and private manufacturing, construction and agriculture. Homes and offices are also filled with products made from toxic materials that spread harmful chemicals as they break down. To help keep harmful chemicals away from your kids, consider these four changes: […]
The Baby Book App from CanDoBaby!
Our little ones grow up way too fast, if you blink or turn your head for a second they’ve rolled over or started walking. The FREE BabyBook app by CanDoBaby allows parents to record and track their baby’s milestones as they grow and develop. The app is easy to use and offers up to four […]