With the holidays come the tantrums that we can’t avoid. They aren’t fun for anyone, but can be dealt with. Here are some tips to help distract and deal with fussy little ones. Fussy babies always have a cause for being fussy. Whether it’s wanting to be loved, held, fed, or even just sleepiness. Don’t get […]
What I Wish I’d Known About Newborns
As a mom of eight children looking back there are a few things I wish I’d known about newborns way back when I had my eldest. Co-sleeping actually helps in most cases. While there is a great debate amongst moms on whether or not co-sleeping is actually safe, if you have a fussy newborn consider […]
Tips and Tricks to Deal with Teething Babies
Caring for teething babies is something no parent looks forward to at all. Not only is it horrible to see your little one in pain, but attempting to calm them down and find something soothing can be a real challenge. To start with, use teething toys that are are easy to clean and in one […]
Five Tips to Manage Temper Tantrums
Temper tantrums are something every parent and child go through together. Some children are more prone to tantrums than others, with my kids there were some that didn’t even throw a tantrum, while we dealt with dozens with other children. Dr. Amy Baxter has five amazing tips to help parents manage temper tantrums. Keep in […]
Benefits of Cloth Diapering
Cloth diapering has fast become a trend among parents everywhere. It’s really no wonder either, the benefits are astounding. If you’ve ever wondered some of the reasons why to cloth diaper, especially considering disposables are much more convenient? Here are a few. Cheaper- In the long run, cloth diapering is cheaper and far more affordable […]
Helping Your Younger Children Cope With Back to School
For the littles in your family, having your older children go back to school may be hard. They’re losing their best friends and playmates! Amidst the busyness of everything else, don’t forget about them! Take some time out with these ideas to help them cope for the first few days. Reassure them that they’ll be […]