A huge debate in many circles is the way clothing stores are sexualizing young girl’s clothing. As a mom, it makes me uncomfortable to see t-shirts for little girls with the words “hot” on them. Kids should be allowed to be kids and we should not be forcing them to grow up so fast. Which […]
Tricks to Helping Bed Wetters
Kids who have bedwetting problems don’t have to be complicated to deal with. Sometimes the problem is only laziness, in which case a motivation may work. Such as a new toy, or a summer party. However, sometimes there may be something going on. In which case, consider taking your child to a doctor. Most of […]
Is Taking Your Kids Shopping Really Worth It?
None of us want to be that mom, and by that mom I mean the mom dragging screaming kids through the store. Not only do you disturb other customers, but at the same time you stress yourself as a mom out and potentially irritate tired kids even more. The question is, is it worth it […]
Little Girls in Bikinis?
I was talking to some friends recently about this and they are on the fence. Some of them were telling us how they have heard and seen older men gawking at little girls or tweens in bikinis. It is disgusting and revolting. Children are being sexualized far too fast. With all the child pornography and […]
Raising Your Children To Be Readers
Reading is an adventure and when you read to your child you can open up a whole new world to them. So here are some great tips from Sylvan Learning to get your child away from the video games and to start reading! Oh say can you say? Read aloud with your children. Reading aloud is right […]
Signs A Child Is Too Busy
Whether it’s after school sports or other extra-curricular activities, or holiday schedules, it’s easy to overbook children and teens at this time of year. All of the things your child participates in are important. So how do you know when you’ve passed the tipping point and your child is too busy? Here are two signs […]