As every parent knows getting children to eat food that is healthy and nutritious is just about impossible. They seem to have the knack of identifying food that is good for them from afar and are able to form very strong opinions about what they would like to have or not to have without even […]
Get Your Picky Eater, Eating!
Picky eaters are something all of us as a mom have dealt with. Those long dinners where we just try to get them to eat one little bite. Or the fights over not being allowed chicken nuggets over and over again. As a mom of eight, here are my tips to get your picky eaters […]
Kid Tested and Kid Approved Nutritious Meals
If your kids are picky eaters and you’re worried about the quality of their nutrition, the cookbook, No Whine With Dinner: 150 Healthy, Kid-Tested Recipes from The Meal Makeover Moms,may be just what you’re looking for. “With kids, it’s not just about taste,” said Liz Weiss, co-author of the book. “It’s about smell, look and texture which […]
Celebrity Mom Shares Her Secrets for Getting Kids to Love Their Veggies
We all know that some children struggle more than others in eating their vegetables. Yesterday celebrity Mom, Jennie Garth, was a part of an event called Veggie Central, which is a special event geared towards getting children to do what seems impossible to parents at times – To eat veggies. This celebrity mom has partnered […]