New Year’s Eve can be dangerous. Everyone is drinking and partying and criminals will look for any chance to take advantage of that. So follow these tips to keep you and your family safe this New Year’s Eve. Don’t let your guard down. Holidays, including New Year’s Eve, are not an excuse to throw caution […]
Baby-Proof Your Home Away From Home
Now that we are just a few days away from Christmas it’s time to baby-proof your home for all those little guests. And most homes are not safe for those little babies. Thanks to Evenflo you can easily transform your home into a safe haven. According to a Home Safety Council report, children under four years […]
Tips to Protect Your Kids
Parents are trying to keep their children closer. Most of us run background checks on troop leaders, babysitters, and even family friends. But still children go missing. Every day in the United States, 2,000 youngsters are reported missing, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Each year, 58,000 are taken by people […]
New Technology to Keep Your Children Safe
Safety is a HUGE concern for everyone. But all parents worry about their kids safety. Especially the safety of teenagers and pre-teens. However, a new technology is making sure that your kids stay safe. This technology is called StreetSafe and there is nothing like it on the market today. It turns your smart phones into […]
Toy Safety This Holiday Season
During the holiday season our kids get more toys, but are they safe? Studies show that in 2010, there were an estimated 140,700 emergency room treated injuries related to toys among children. WOW! Is that scary or what? Thankfully, most toy manufacturers are labeling toys to make sure that we are aware of choking hazards and […]
Top Five Products To Keep Baby Safe
It’s true that babies ruin everything, and sometimes you just need to invest in some products to keep your little angel safe. So here are the top five products to keep baby safe. Tangle Free Blinds- This one is a no-brainer. It is very easy for baby to grab the cords and choke themselves. The […]