Ugh. Summer colds! Nobody likes them, but we all get them at least once in the summer. So what’s a mom supposed to do? Here are five easy tips to get rid of your child’s summer cold. 1) Drink Vitamin C. Vitamin C will help shorten the length of a cold. Try drinking cold drinks […]
Interview with Dr. Gregg Alexander about Summer Colds
The Fashionable Bambino Interview with Dr. Gregg Alexander about Summer Colds July 13, 2010 TFB: How can parents recognize and treat a summer cold versus allergies? Dr. Alexander: The symptoms of summer colds and allergies can be quite similar. With both, for instance, you’ll often have a runny nose. One thing that makes them different […]
Tips on Treating Your Child’s Summer Cold from Children’s Advil®
Editors Note: We don’t necessarily agree or endorse everything in these tips. As always, we recommend that you use your own parental discretion and research to make your own clarifying decisions. Just because we don’t agree with a couple of things in an article doesn’t mean we throw everything out. KWIM? Summertime Relief: Tips on […]